
Digital property folder

All the information of every property in one place, available from wherever you are

Say goodbye to dusty folders, scribbled notes, files scattered as attachments in emails, USB sticks, hard drives and CD/DVDs. Find the information you’re looking for quickly. Manage more properties with less effort. Register your properties with the Capture tier, manage them digitally from anywhere with the Monitor tier and save time, money and grey matter as a digital pioneer.

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Searching, filtering, finding

Search and find properties in your portfolio with search and filters

Whether you have or manage a few, many or too many properties, the user interface makes it possible to search and find the properties you are looking for in your portfolio. Instead of digging through paper folders or hard trials and USB sticks for the property information you need here and now, you can leverage their structured information by text searching their title, sorting their listing, and applying filters based on their details.

Files management

Digital archive of property documents and information

The current rental contract. The E9 declaration from the year before last. The photos of the last renovation. The manual for the recorder. The air conditioner warranty. Every property is associated with so much data! Upload files and multimedia, match them to properties, buildings, complexes, tenancies, operations, and financial transactions. Enrich your digital archive for property management and find all the data where you expect it, instead of searching for it across scattered storage locations.

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Property groups

Buildings, complexes and resorts, now digitised

The more properties you own or manage, the more likely many of them are in the same building or in the same area. provides you with the possibility of grouping them together and enriching the files of these buildings and complexes with records and data relating to several properties at the same time. If two or more Properties with a Monitor tier subscription have a common address or only a common ZIP code, will suggest grouping them into a building or a complex, respectively.

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Utilities, meters and consumption

Utilities and meters, without searching through paperwork

Periodically record your electricity, water and gas consumption to build up a picture of the operating costs of the portfolio of properties or real estate you manage, and the state of the meters at the beginning and end of the leases. Store information of the property’s energy infrastructure, and electricity, water and gas supplies, as well as the electrician’s certificate, and energy efficiency certificate.

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Property management services found easily

Assign your properties to professional property managers on

With you no longer have to manage your portfolio yourself: you can delegate the management to other users of our platform. If the property is upgraded to the advanced functionality of the Monitor subscription, in addition to updating the property folder, the manager will be able to manage for you the leases, operations and recording of financial transactions associated with the property–and you can keep track of it.

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Flexible subscription model

Pricing per property or per user, depending on what you prefer

You can try right now as a user of the Free tier, which gives you the possibility to register 5 properties immediately and free of charge for one year from your registration, with one of them having the full property management functionality of the Monitor tier. Do you have more properties to list and manage? Choose between a pay-per-property subscription, or upgrade your account to register and manage a greater number of properties at a discounted rate.

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Try for free

Sign up, for free ➜

With your new user account on you can create and manage five properties for free, one of which with the full functionality of the Monitor tier. Test-drive now and experience first-hand how it makes property management a breeze!