
All features of the Capture tier included

Manage your property by building on its digital folder

The Monitor subscription tier extends the digital property listing functionality of the Capture tier to build on the solid foundation of your property’s digital record for management. What’s true there is true here: find everything about your property in one place. Say goodbye to paperwork and searching through lockers and folders, thanks to structured information and an easy-to-use interface.

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Tenancies and concessions

Private and professional occupancies, all in one place

Create and manage private and professional tenancies and concessions, associate them with other tenant users, tasks and financial transactions. Gain a complete overview of the financial status of each utilization. Let remind you and tenants about outstanding rent payments.

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Financial information

All transactions for real estate, leases and operations in one place

Create income and expense records, link them to properties, leases and operations, and achieve complete oversight of the financial performance of the properties you own and/or manage. Every unit of time spent entering data pays off in multiple ways, thanks to interrelated information and the ability to search with text and filters.

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Task management

Coordinate tasks on properties with finesse and efficiency

Whether you are organising and supervising renovation work, managing maintenance work to maintain the value of properties between leases, or meeting tenants’ requests, managing tasks through, associating them with properties and transactions, and enriching them with photos and attachments will be a breeze.

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Inventory, handover and warranties

Furniture and equipment, tied to the property

Handled inventory of property contents for handover between tenancies with ease. Receive reminders for upcoming expiring equipment and furnityre warranties. Know what each property contains at all times.

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Property groups

Buildings, complexes and resorts, now digitised

The more properties you own or manage, the more likely many of them are in the same building or in the same area. provides you with the possibility of grouping them together and enriching the files of these buildings and complexes with records and data relating to several properties at the same time.

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Notifications and reminders

Let draw your attention to what is worth

New tasks and their changing status, new and soon-to-expire tenancies, documents that have expired or are about to expire, new contacts, and inventory items requiring periodic maintenance. If something requires your attention you will receive an email notification or reminder.

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Flexible subscription model

Pricing per property or per user, depending on what you prefer

You can try right now as a user of the Free tier, which gives you the possibility to register 5 properties immediately and free of charge for one year from your registration, with one of them having the full property management functionality of the Monitor tier. Do you have more properties to list and manage? Choose between a pay-per-property subscription, or upgrade your account to register and manage a greater number of properties at a discounted rate.

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Try for free

Sign up, for free ➜

With your new user account on you can create and manage five properties for free, one of which with the full functionality of the Monitor tier. Test-drive now and experience first-hand how it makes property management a breeze!