
Property portfolio digitalization

Digitalize your property portfolio records and finally know what’s up

Managing a property’s information with pen and paper is time-consuming and laborious for no good reason. Digitalize your property records with and say goodbye to storing and searching in folders and binders, on easily lost pieces of paper, and on handwritten scribblings. Find what you’re looking for easily, with all the information available whenever you want, from wherever you happen to be.

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Digital property capture

Create a digital folder for up to 4 properties with the Capture tier

Document up to 4 properties with the Capture tier of functionality, say goodbye to paperwork and searching through folders and files and find everything in one place. Decimate confusion and time-wasting with basic digital property documentation features.

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Property management

Manage 1 property using the Monitor feature tier

Get to know’s Monitor tier of property management capabilities with this complimentary feature of your new user account. Manage everything that’s going on with this property easily, quickly, consistently, and without confusion. Experience comprehensive tenancy management, operations and finance management and automatic notifications of upcoming pending issues, plus all the documentation features of the Capture tier.

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Documents and multimedia

Up to 200 MB of data storage per property

Enrich the digital folder of each property with up to 200 MB of files and multimedia: documents, forms, photos, and anything else that characterizes it. Find all the data where you expect it, instead of searching for it across scattered storage locations.

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Portfolio extension

Extend your account with subscriptions per property

Does this per-user subscription suit you but would you like to add properties without upgrading your account to the next highest plan? You can flexibly choose the number of additional properties with a Capture and Monitor tier with a per-property subscription.

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Try for free

Sign up, for free ➜

With your new user account on you can create and manage five properties for free, one of which with the full functionality of the Monitor tier. Test-drive now and experience first-hand how it makes property management a breeze!