
Address and location

Orient yourself and see the surrounding area on the embedded map

We’ve integrated Google Maps so you have the most advanced mapping capabilities for your properties. Drop the pin on the map and your property is automatically marked with the full address, municipality, ZIP code and region. View the road, satellite or elevation map of the area. Find nearby public infrastructure, landmarks, businesses and public transport stations. Use Street View’s little man to visualize the front of the property for interested parties.


File management

Digital archive of property data and information

The current rental contract. The E9 declaration from the year before last. The photos of the last renovation. The manual for the recorder. The air conditioner warranty. The purchase invoice for the refrigerator. All of these documents and forms, as well as any other PDF, Excel sheet, Word document or anything else related to the property, will now be attached to the property and ready for preview or retrieval at any time.


File organization

Categorise and label the attached files

You can categorise each attachment, specify its visibility to you only, to all owners, or to all owners and the property manager, and set its expiry date so that you can check at any time if something is about to need your attention soon. Want to not even have to check? Upgrade the property to the Monitor subscription so that, along with other features, you can receive notifications before an attachment expires.


Photos and multimedia

Gather photographic material for use in advertisements

A picture is worth a thousand words. Upload photos and prepare the property for use in rental or sales ads by highlighting its features. You can also attach photos and other multimedia to the property for other uses, such as documenting construction and operations.


General property information

Save key data for quick search with filters

Prepare the publication of a sale or rental advertisement by entering structured data such as general information, space and parking, accessibility, location and photo material. Characterized the property with more data such as owners, building manager and management, electronic building ID information, energy and utilities, and utility meters. Use some of this data to quickly find the property or similar files with the filter function.


Document financial transactions

Your digital archive of property documents and information

The current rental contract. The E9 declarations of the last 5 years. The photos of the last renovation. The user manual for the CCTV system. The air conditioner warranty. The purchase invoice for the refrigerator. All of these documents, as well as any other PDF, Excel sheet, Word document or anything else related to the property, will now be attached to the property and ready for preview or retrieval at any time.


Electronic identification data

Work with engineers without digging through dusty files

We know that some subsets of data require special attention and the involvement of an engineer to process them and make requests. In the electronic building ID module you can enter data and documents for your engineer, and for yourself, so that you don’t have to search for them in the future.


Utilities and services

Utilities and meters, without shuffling papers and looking into folders

Store information of the property’s energy infrastructure and electricity, water and gas supplies, as well as the electrician’s certificate and energy efficiency certificate. Did you get a bill for one of your properties and don’t know which property it corresponds to? You no longer need to remember supply numbers or have them written down on slips of paper. Take a look at the property’s records on and you’ll find it.


Measurements of electricity, water and natural gas

Document the property’s consumption with photographic evidence

Which of all the utility meters of the building is the one in apartment X? How much electricity, water and gas did you use? On you can record your consumption measurements and attach a photo of the meter to each measurement–a particularly useful action during the handover process between tenancies that helps you to avoid late and costly surprises.


Try for free

Sign up, for free ➜

With your new user account on you can create and manage five properties for free, one of which with the full functionality of the Monitor tier. Test-drive now and experience first-hand how it makes property management a breeze!