
Location and surroundings

Get your bearings with the built-in map

We’ve integrated Google Maps so you have the most advanced mapping capabilities for your properties. Drop the pin on the map and your property is automatically marked with the full address, municipality, ZIP code and region. Property groups “inherit” this precise location data for the properties involved. View the road, satellite or elevation map of the area. Find nearby public infrastructure, landmarks, businesses and public transport stations. Use Street View’s little man to visualize the building’s facade or complex area for interested parties.


Neighboring or close properties

Automatic grouping suggestions based on address and postal code

Thanks to the retrieval of reliable location data from Google Maps, recognizes the possible proximity of each property marked with an address, and in each case the common Postal Code. Thus, if two or more Properties with a Monitor tier subscription have a common address or only a common ZIP Code, will suggest grouping them into a building or a complex, respectively.


File management

Digital archive of property data and information

Old contracts. Topographies and floor plans. Tax filings. Construction permits. Photos of the recent fiber optic installation in the building. The security and alarm contract. The articles of association of the apartment building. Information about the complex’s swimming pool. All of these documents and forms, as well as any other PDF, Excel sheet, Word document or anything else related to the building or complex, will now be attached and ready for preview or retrieval at any time.


Property grouping and quick access

See the tenants and jump to the properties of a group

Thanks to the retrieval of reliable location data from Google Maps, recognizes the possible proximity of each property marked with an address, and in each case the common Postal Code. Thus, if two or more Properties with a Monitor tier subscription have a common address or only a common Zip Code, will suggest grouping them into a building or complex.


Information on buildings and complexes

Each group of properties is like a property

Each property group, whether it represents a building or a complex, is characterised by further information, such as e.g. drainage infrastructure and Internet connectivity. This information is used by the search function with criteria in the list of property groups.


Heating oil reserves

Record the property’s reserves and plan ahead for resupply

For buildings with centrally heated apartments with oil-fired central heating, you can periodically record heating oil stocks, rather than relying on notes on slips of paper to judge the right time to refuel. This way you can have a second source of data for checking the utility issue, or just to judge how energy intensive the building is, so you can carry out thermography and insulation.


Try for free

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With your new user account on you can create and manage five properties for free, one of which with the full functionality of the Monitor tier. Test-drive now and experience first-hand how it makes property management a breeze!