

Find digitally pioneering property managers

Find and connect with property management professionals on, and contact them by email or phone with one click through the platform. Your contacts become available in the selection and matching fields with other users in property listings on You can thus organize a group of managers and assign them to manage your properties. As an owner in the role of deputy manager you retain control of the property tab on and have the final say in its assignment and its revocation.


Ownership and management

Entrust your property to a professional property manager

By designating a contact as the manager of a property on and accepting your invitation, the user-manager gains the ability to enrich the property’s listing. If the property is upgraded to the advanced functionality of the Monitor subscription, the administrator will be able to manage not only the listing but also the leases, operations and recording of financial transactions associated with the property. At the same time, as the owner, you retain the ability to monitor the manager’s work through ongoing access to all property data at any time and from anywhere.


Property digitalization concierge service

You don’t want to find a property manager but don’t want to digitize it yourself either?

If you want to continue the self-management of your properties but you don’t want to register them yourself on, contact our team and learn about our digitization service at preferential prices. One of our associates trained in property digitization using will come to your site on your schedule to pass the information you provide to and deliver a digitized property portfolio to make the start of your digital self-management easier.

Try for free

Sign up, for free ➜

With your new user account on you can create and manage five properties for free, one of which with the full functionality of the Monitor tier. Test-drive now and experience first-hand how it makes property management a breeze!